(604) 697-7777 admin@horizoncpa.ca

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Year-end Tax Loss Selling

As tax time approaches, individuals with significant capital gains incurred during the year might be wondering if there are ways to reduce their taxes owing for the year. Please note that Horizon CPA does not provide investment advice, only guidance on the tax treatment of investment transactions. Please consult your […]

Canada’s Underused Housing Tax Act

On June 9, 2022, the new Underused Housing Tax Act (The “UHTA”) received royal assent under Bill C-8 and is retroactive to January 1, 2022. The UHTA imposes a new tax for non-resident owners of Canadian residential housing of 1% of the property’s value. The purpose of the UHTA is […]

How to Authorize a Representative for your CRA Accounts

Business owners and individuals can authorize a representative to access their CRA Business Account or Individual Accounts. Depending on what type of authorization you allow, this representative can make changes to your CRA account on your behalf. To authorize our firm as a Representative of your CRA Business or Individual […]