(604) 697-7777 admin@horizoncpa.ca

Latest News

CRA Online Mail – Personal Taxes

CRA is now “pushing” this online mail service and it carries both costs and benefits.  The benefits:  paperless communication to you, paperless storage, faster delivery than paper and less reliance on Canada Post.  The costs:  increased risk of confusion resulting in potential for identity theft or fraud, requires a two-step […]

Liberal Government Tax Proposals – Tax Planning Using Private Corporations

Summary – The Facts Income splitting as we currently know it, using dividends, is dead.  There will be no income splitting with any family members unless they provide services to the business or in a few other very exceptional circumstances.  If they provide services to the business, the amount that […]


The 2017 Federal Budget was brought down this afternoon by the Liberal Government.  There were a few specific tax measures included in the budget and the government gave notice that they are looking at some significant changes intended to shut down tax planning structures which benefit “wealthy” Canadians. SPECIFIC TAX […]